

Detact Diagnostics B.V.

Hoge der A 9-1

9712AC, Groningen

The Netherlands


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DeNIRO® & DeNIRO® mini NIR Fluorometers. The first reliable, affordable and easy-to-use handheld point-of-care Near-Infrared Fluorometers.

Detact has developed a portable fluorometer sold under its proprietary trademark (US & EU) DeNIRO®. The DeNIRO® is unique, enabling fluorescence detection in the near-IR (700-1000 nm wavelength range).


Apart from assay development, Detact can develop the complete assay kit and point-of-care reader. In the past, Detact developed the DeNIRO®, the first commercially available handheld Near-Infrared Fluorometer. It allows specific point-of-care testing to work with the Detact Diagnostics assays/tests.


Detact is currently developing the DeNIRO mini, a near-infrared fluorometer that is smaller, cheaper to manufacture, and connectable to cloud/telehealthcare systems. 

Technology and Scientific Rationale

Infrared minimises contaminants' effects in the sample and gives a high level of accuracy even with significantly diluted samples.


The patented Detact Diagnostics® VIPER® platform technology is based on the immediate release of a quenched Near-Infrared (NIR) molecule from its peptide bond after contact with a specific bacteria, viral or fungal enzyme, which emits NIR-light (NIRL), measured in Relative Fluorescent Units (RFU’s).


The DeNIRO® & DeNIRO® mini accurately measure in this range and outperform all bench-top fluorometers in their functionality.


(The DeNIRO® (right) is for research use only) 


Click the link to download a copy of the recently published paper (Portable Near-Infrared Fluorometer for a Liposomal Blood Lactate Assay) from ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science on how the DeNIRO was successfully used in a published research application.



DeNIRO® mini

Technical specifications:


  • Fast and highly accurate quantitation of bacterial, viral, fungal, and enzymatic activity in less than 5 seconds.


  • High levels of accuracy even with very dilute samples.


  • Using Infrared minimises the effects of contaminants in the sample.


  • Portable Fluorometer


  • Detects Near-Infrared Fluorescence


  • Designed for VIPER® assays


  • A versatile sample port enables fluorescence from multiple sample types.


(DeNIRO® mini is in development for clinical use)