

Detact Diagnostics B.V.

Hoge der A 9-1

9712AC, Groningen

The Netherlands


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A common challenge for surgeons is the ability to differentiate between a postoperative inflammation and an acute or chronic PJI.

Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI)

PJI's are the most devastating and costly complications following total or partial joint replacements. Diagnosing an acute or chronic PJI is challenging for surgeons, as no “gold standard” diagnostic currently provides direct, fast and actionable data. Detact Diagnostics® are developing a direct, point-of-care diagnostic test which is fast, affordable and provides actionable data: SynoTact®.

The global joint replacement market is expected to grow to $32 Billion in 2024.

With an ageing baby-boomer generation and the obesity epidemic, the number of hip and knee replacement procedures has skyrocketed. The global joint replacement market is expected to grow to $32 Billion in 2024.

When a postoperative infection occurs in this vulnerable older patient population, morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs increase significantly, as does the liability for surgeons and hospitals 



In the United States alone, the estimated in-hospital cost to treat PJIs is $1.62 billion a year. Unfortunately, with increasing global antibiotic resistance, these infections are harder to treat despite the best efforts to prevent them. 

Detact Diagnostics® is developing SynoTact®

A test that can be done in a doctor's office or laboratory and provides actionable data available in seconds or minutes. It is affordable, fast, and sensitive and does not require incubation. In the current landscape of bacterial detection, our diagnostics platform is unrivalled.

Surgeons can use SynoTact® directly postoperatively or a few days later in the out-patient clinic.

The challenge is to treat patients with an actual infection appropriately and, at the same time, not over-treat patients who only have an inflammation (i.e. non-bacterial) with antibiotics. An over-treated inflammation with antibiotics feeds the global antibiotic resistance issue, a focal point of the WHO. Keeping patients with normal inflammation unnecessarily hospitalized has significant financial implications for the payer, hospital and patient.



SynoTact® can quickly determine whether the patient has a normal inflammation or a more serious bacterial infection within the joint. The test can be used for acute as well as chronic PJI detection. If bacterial presence is established in the synovial fluid, this needs to be acted upon as soon as possible to prevent more severe consequences such as revision surgery.

SynoTact® - How it works

Look at how simple, quick and easy SynoTact® is to use.

SynoTact® provides fast real-time qualitative feedback

SynoTact® provides fast, real-time qualitative feedback on the presence of a bacterial infection, making time-consuming and expensive laboratory and radiology tests unnecessary. As a result, the healthcare provider can appropriately treat patients with an actual infection and not over-treat patients who only have inflammation (i.e., non-bacterial) with antibiotics. 


(SynoTact® is currently for investigational use only)